About me

Welcome! I am a Ph.D. student at Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction Lab (CV:HCI), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Rainer Stiefelhagen, Prof. Kathrin Gerling and Prof. Kailun Yang. I received my B.Sc. degree from Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT) and M.Sc. degree from KIT.

My research topic focuses on assistive technology in the background of computer vision. More specifically, I dive into computer vision for scene understanding and embodied AI, especially vision-language navigation for people with visual impairments.

[Jul 2024] Two papers (OPS, RAVAR) have been accepted by ECCV2024.
[Jun 2024] A paper (NoiseEraSAR) has been accepted by IROS2024.
[Apr 2024] A paper (MATERobot) has been selected as Best Paper Finalist on Human-Robot Interaction by ICRA2024.
[Feb 2024] A paper (RoDLA) has been accepted by CVPR2024.
[Jan 2024] A paper (MATERobot) has been accepted by ICRA2024.
[Dec 2023] A paper (OS-SAR) has been accepted by AAAI2024.
[Mar 2023] A paper (APES) has been selected as Highlight by CVPR2023.
[Feb 2023] A paper (APES) has been accepted by CVPR2023.